fluentast-core / at.hschroedl.fluentast.ast.expression

Package at.hschroedl.fluentast.ast.expression

Contains Fluentast representations of Expression.


FluentAnnotation abstract class FluentAnnotation : FluentExpression
FluentArrayAccess class FluentArrayAccess : FluentExpression
A wrapper class for ArrayAccess. Subclass of FluentExpression
FluentArrayCreation class FluentArrayCreation : FluentExpression
Used to create an ArrayCreation with the given FluentArrayType and a FluentArrayInitializer.
FluentArrayInitializer class FluentArrayInitializer : FluentExpression
FluentAssignment class FluentAssignment : FluentExpression
FluentBooleanLiteral class FluentBooleanLiteral : FluentLiteral
Used to build a BooleanLiteral with a given value.
FluentCastExpression class FluentCastExpression : FluentExpression
FluentCharacterLiteral class FluentCharacterLiteral : FluentLiteral
Used to build a CharacterLiteral with a given character value.
FluentClassInstanceCreation class FluentClassInstanceCreation : FluentExpression
FluentConditionalExpression class FluentConditionalExpression : FluentExpression
FluentExpression abstract class FluentExpression : FluentASTNode, FluentStandaloneNode<Expression>
FluentFieldAccess class FluentFieldAccess : FluentExpression
FluentInfixExpression open class FluentInfixExpression : FluentExpression
Used to build an InfixExpression with a left operand, an operator and a right operand.
FluentInfixLeftPartial class FluentInfixLeftPartial
Used to build an InfixExpression. This partial represents an intermediate representation where an operator and left-hand-side operand has been set but a right-hand side operand is missing.
FluentInfixOperatorPartial class FluentInfixOperatorPartial
Used to build an InfixExpression. This partial represents an intermediate representation where the operator has been set but a right-hand side and left-hand-side operand are missing.
FluentInstanceOfExpression class FluentInstanceOfExpression : FluentExpression
FluentLiteral abstract class FluentLiteral : FluentExpression
Base class for other literals. See NumberLiteral,StringLiteral,BooleanLiteral
FluentMarkerAnnotation class FluentMarkerAnnotation : FluentAnnotation
FluentMethodInvocation class FluentMethodInvocation : FluentExpression
FluentName class FluentName : FluentExpression
FluentNormalAnnotation class FluentNormalAnnotation : FluentAnnotation
FluentNullLiteral class FluentNullLiteral : FluentExpression
Used to build a NullLiteral.
FluentNumberLiteral class FluentNumberLiteral : FluentLiteral
Used to build a NumberLiteral with a given integer value.
FluentParenthesizedExpression class FluentParenthesizedExpression : FluentExpression
FluentPostfixExpression class FluentPostfixExpression : FluentExpression
FluentPrefixExpression class FluentPrefixExpression : FluentExpression
FluentSingleMemberAnnotation class FluentSingleMemberAnnotation : FluentAnnotation
FluentStringLiteral class FluentStringLiteral : FluentExpression
Used to build a StringLiteral with a given value.
FluentSuperFieldAccess class FluentSuperFieldAccess : FluentExpression
FluentSuperMethodInvocation class FluentSuperMethodInvocation : FluentExpression
Used to build a SuperMethodInvocation.
FluentThisExpression class FluentThisExpression : FluentExpression
Used to build a ThisExpression.
FluentTypeLiteral class FluentTypeLiteral : FluentExpression
Used to build a TypeLiteral from a FluentType.
FluentVariableDeclarationExpression class FluentVariableDeclarationExpression : FluentExpression
A wrapper class for VariableDeclarationExpression.

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