fluentast-core / at.hschroedl.fluentast.ast.statement

Package at.hschroedl.fluentast.ast.statement

Contains Fluentast representations of Statement.


FluentAssertStatement class FluentAssertStatement : FluentStatement
Used to build an AssertStatement on the given expression with an optional message.
FluentBlock abstract class FluentBlock : FluentStatement
FluentBreakStatement class FluentBreakStatement : FluentStatement
Used to build a BreakStatement.
FluentConstructorInvocation class FluentConstructorInvocation : FluentStatement
FluentContinueStatement class FluentContinueStatement : FluentStatement
FluentDoStatement class FluentDoStatement : FluentStatement
FluentEmptyStatement class FluentEmptyStatement : FluentStatement
FluentEnhancedForStatement class FluentEnhancedForStatement : FluentStatement
FluentExpressionStatement class FluentExpressionStatement : FluentStatement
FluentForStatement class FluentForStatement : FluentStatement
FluentIfElseStatement class FluentIfElseStatement : FluentStatement
Used to construct an IfStatement with a condition, a then statement and an else-statement. This class is a terminal expression, as not more than one else-statement can be added.
FluentIfPartial class FluentIfPartial
Used to build an IfStatement where a condition has been set, but a then-statement or else-statement have yet to be added.
FluentIfStatement class FluentIfStatement : FluentStatement
Used to build an IfStatement with a condition and a then-statement, but without a else-statement.
FluentLabeledStatement class FluentLabeledStatement : FluentStatement
FluentParsedBlock class FluentParsedBlock : FluentBlock
FluentParsedStatement class FluentParsedStatement : FluentStatement
FluentReturnStatement class FluentReturnStatement : FluentStatement
Used to construct a ReturnStatement with a given expression.
FluentStatement abstract class FluentStatement : FluentASTNode, FluentStandaloneNode<Statement>
Used to create a Statement.
FluentStatementBlock class FluentStatementBlock : FluentBlock
FluentSuperConstructorInvocation class FluentSuperConstructorInvocation : FluentStatement
FluentSwitchCase class FluentSwitchCase : FluentStatement
FluentSwitchStatement class FluentSwitchStatement : FluentStatement
FluentSynchronizedStatement class FluentSynchronizedStatement : FluentStatement
FluentThrowStatement class FluentThrowStatement : FluentStatement
FluentTryStatement class FluentTryStatement : FluentStatement
FluentTypeDeclarationStatement class FluentTypeDeclarationStatement : FluentStatement
FluentVariableDeclarationStatement class FluentVariableDeclarationStatement : FluentStatement
FluentWhileStatement class FluentWhileStatement : FluentStatement

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